Plan for tomorrow's FESCo meeting (2011-06-21)

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at
Fri Jun 24 07:31:59 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 02:21:36PM -0400, Adam Jackson wrote:
> I played briefly with jamming relro into ghc command line options, and
> you can kind of do it ("-optl-z -optlrelro -optlc-Wl,z,relro" in
> ghc-options), but it doesn't change much on its own.  You do end up with
> an executable with a GNU_RELRO segment, but there's nothing in it
> besides linker details (though admittedly, that's not nothing).  In
> particular you don't end up with a section, which implies
> that the generated C code isn't bothering to mark things as const that
> it expects will need relocations.

I don't think GHC generates C (it used to, a very long time ago).  GHC
and OCaml contain code generators that generate machine code directly.

So this could require changes to the code generator, but at least for
RELRO it seems this is just a link-time change (is it?)


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
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