42 Orphaned packages

80 karlthered at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 11:30:29 UTC 2011

Some intels about the *mm modules orphaned (in short, they should just die).
> libgnomemm26
> lignomeuimm26

only required by gcdmaster and referencer.  gcdmaster comes from
cdrdao and does not seem actively maintained, referencer is looking
for a new upstream maintainer and seriously needs some revamping (it
still uses Glade, Gnome-vfs etc ..)

> gnome-vfsmm26
required by referencer, gcdmaster and also assogiate.

> lignomecanvasmm26

unluckily, still required by actively maintained flowcanvas which is
itself used by Ardour.
One should suggest upstream to port it over goocanvas or cairo,
gnomecanvas is seriously outdated.

Basically, the most problematic one is libgnomecanvasmm26 which is
still used by active projects, the others are only required by half
dead if not completely dead projects.

best regards,

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