DISA STIG file permission testing

Steve Grubb sgrubb at redhat.com
Wed May 11 13:49:54 UTC 2011


I do a lot of work on making sure Linux meets various security standards. One of the 
better known security profiles is the DISA STIG. (STIG means Security Technical 
Information Guide.) Back in February, there was a big update to it. I have reviewed it 
and sent feedback to get some items corrected. But in the mean time, I wanted to check 
how far off we have gotten and wrote a script to do some checking. The guide requires a 
UMASK of 027 for users, so you may find that home dir file permissions are not right. 
However, if you just create a user and have never logged in...the file permissions 
should be right.

In any event, I have uploaded the scripts so that file permission problems can be found 
and fixed. The original guide can be found here:


We used openscap to translate the XCCDF content into html. The (uncorrected) settings 
can be found here:


and the test script can be found here:


I think we should realign some file permissions.


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