Orphaning my packages...

Truch, Matthew matt at truch.net
Fri May 20 13:37:20 UTC 2011

I need to orphan all of my packages.  In most cases, it would be great if
someone (or more) could pick them up.  Let me know if you'd like any of them
and I'll release them to you.

 cfitsio -- Library for manipulating FITS data files Already has
co-maintainers; perhaps they want to step up?
getdata -- Library for reading and writing dirfile data An excellent and
easy to package data library.  Upstream is extremely responsive.
hpic -- Healpix manipulation binaries and library Could be orphaned; not
used much anymore, but is trivial to maintain.
kst -- A data viewing program for KDE A great program for plotting data
(especially live data).  Currently in Fedora is the 1.x branch of kst; 2.0
has been released; I have a spec file ready but haven't had the time to push
it though.
slimdata -- Tools and library for reading and writing slim compressed data This
package also gets little use, but it is easy to maintain.
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