unsure for wich component file bugreport

Lennart Poettering mzerqung at 0pointer.de
Fri Nov 4 16:29:31 UTC 2011

On Fri, 04.11.11 17:06, Reindl Harald (h.reindl at thelounge.net) wrote:

> > Note that ".local" is the mDNS ad-hoc domain as implemented by Avahi,
> > Bonjour/MacOS, and a lot of hardware
> this domain name was used / selected LONG before avahi was a topic

Well, believe me, there's no point in bitching here about Avahi. I
didn't make the choice that .local was the mDNS domain. Apple did.

> > nslookup will only work for unicast DNS names, and hence will bypass any mDNS lookups.
> as you see "nslookup" does not bypass, it resolves
> so what component and how to tell leave my configuration in peace?

It bypasses the NSS which implements mDNS lookups.

If you want mDNS to be removed from your NSS stack, then edit
/etc/nsswitch.conf and remove it there.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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