F17 heads up: gnome-shell for everyone!

Bojan Smojver bojan at rexursive.com
Sat Nov 5 00:09:30 UTC 2011

Ian Malone <ibmalone <at> gmail.com> writes:

> This is essentially giving up. It's frustrating to be stuck on
> overview mode on a four core machine while gnome-shell is doing
> /something/ but you don't know what. If it worked fluidly it would be
> okay.

For me, it goes further than that. I do not want overview mode - ever. Fast,
slow - in any shape or form. It reduces visibility of my desktop in normal use,
introduces kitchen sink approach to "doing something else", attacks me with
unnecessary animations when I never asked for them etc. It's just silliness that
should be dropped.

Just look at all the extensions that sprung up:

- extension to have apps menu on the top bar
- extension to switch workspaces from the top bar
- extension to have constant dash

Essentially, extensions to have Gnome 2.

PS. Yes, overview _still_ looks great on YouTube. :-)


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