F16, FTP-servers, sssd and LDAP-backend

Ola Thoresen redhat at olen.net
Tue Nov 15 12:58:48 UTC 2011

On 15. nov. 2011 13:03, Ola Thoresen wrote:

> I have successfully set up pure-ftpd with LDAP-auth directly, instead of
> relying og sssd, and that works fine.
> Except users do not have access to folders woth "rwx"-permissions for a
> secondary-group the are member of.
> The same user has access to the folder logging in with ssh.

After changeing pure-ftpd.conf to include _both_ ldap and PAM:

LDAPConfigFile                /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd-ldap.conf
PAMAuthentication             yes

Users can now access dirs with their secondary GID.

They still can't login without the LDAP-config.


Ola Thoresen

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