Libs with applications

Josh Boyer jwboyer at
Sun Nov 20 15:20:51 UTC 2011

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 10:17 AM, Steve Grubb <sgrubb at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was curious how many library packages we have that also includes applications in
> them, so I wrote a small shell script:

That just checks for a path.  It doesn't check if the "application" is
just a shell script, which is noarch.

> On my F16 installation, it finds around 60 packages that are libraries with
> applications. I'd like to ask if anyone else sees this as a problem? For example, if a
> 32 bit library is installed, which application is left - the 64 or 32 bit one? And
> wouldn't that also pull in unnecessary dependencies?

Again, not if it's noarch.  The list of packages you found with
problems would have been nice.


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