(re)introducing - fedora-review - tool to help with package reviews

"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" johannbg at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 13:25:22 UTC 2011

On 11/21/2011 01:14 PM, Stanislav Ochotnicky wrote:
> Hello fellow devs,
> I am sure quite a few of you have done some reviews and thought "Hey,
> a,b,c and d could be automated. For E I could use some more
> information that can be automatically gathered". Some of you even
> wrote your own tools to do some of these things.
> Yet there is no unified tool, nor format for package reviews. There
> are more reasons, but I guess biggest one is there are just too many
> guidelines and there is probably no one who knows all of them. So few
> of us got together and hopefully created something that can be used by
> everyone.
> fedora-review[1] is now in updates-testing. It provides several checks:
>   66 generic tests (licensing, md5sum sources, bundling, etc.)
>   9  c/c++ specific checks (static libs, ldconfig, headers, rpath etc.)
>   13 java specific checks (javadoc, depmaps, jpackage-utils reqs)
>   8  R specific checks
> There are still many more checks waiting to be written. I'd like to
> see Perl, Python and Ruby checks, though I am not *that* familiar with
> their guidelines. I think the important thing here is that checks can
> be written in basically any language. We have simple JSON api[2] using
> stdin/stdout for communication. There is an example external plugin in
> documentation in perl and shell (though that's just mock-check).
> Our goal is for each language SIG (or other specific package group) to
> maintain their own checks together with their guidelines.
> * How you can help *
>    - Tell us what checks are missing
>    - Tell us if you think checks are doing it wrong
>    - Create new checks (in language of your choice - we have JSON api)
>        - do this even if the test cannot be automated. At least it will
>          appear on the checklist for your packages!
>    - Any ideas, bugreports etc will be much appreciated
> [1] https://fedorahosted.org/FedoraReview
> [2] https://fedorahosted.org/FedoraReview/browser/api/README

Is this not something that releng/autoqa could use as well as in run 
against all already existing specs and automatically file bugs if they 
aren't ( and to keep things ) up to guidelines?


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