Dealing with circular BuildRequires?

Tom Lane tgl at
Wed Oct 5 16:02:33 UTC 2011

Petr Pisar <ppisar at> writes:
> On 2011-10-05, Tom Lane <tgl at> wrote:
>> For example, cairo BuildRequires: librsvg2-devel, and librsvg2
>> BuildRequires: cairo-devel, so there is no order in which I can rebuild
>> them.  How the heck did we get into such a situation, and what should
>> I do about it?  Neither specfile appears to have any provision for
>> bootstrapping.

> We had similar problem when upgrading Perl to 5.14.

> First, we choosed dependecy-ordered builds which stopped after
> rebuilding about one thousand packages. Then we hit circular
> dependencies blocking remaining eight hunderds packages.

What exactly did you do for "dependency-ordered builds"?  What I could
really use right now is a tool that would sort the package list into
dependency order for me, and point to where there are circularities.
I'd like to think that wheel has been invented already ...

			regards, tom lane

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