/tmp on tmpfs

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Mon Apr 2 22:39:18 UTC 2012

Am 03.04.2012 00:34, schrieb Przemek Klosowski:
> On Mon, Apr 02, 2012 at 08:32:56PM +0200, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
>> * #834 F18 Feature: /tmp on tmpfs -
>>    http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/tmp-on-tmpfs  (mitr, 17:40:06)
>>    * AGREED: tmp-on-tmpfs is accepted (+5 -3)  (mitr, 18:12:52)
> The wiki page says:
>   By implementing this we, by default, generate less IO on disks. This
>   increases SSD lifetime, saves a bit of power and makes things a bit
>   faster.
> What about the memory pressure? with on-disk /tmp, the buffer cache prevents excessive writing if there's memory to
> spare, but the system still works when memory is used up. What happens with tmpfs? I think it will just grab and
> hold memory required for the /tmp filesystem, which is likely to cause swapping, which will hammer the disks even
> more. The lack of quota makes it potentially even worse.
> Perhaps this should be a default only for systems with ample memory. Could it be a startup-time setting that is
> flipped back to on-disk /tmp if some sustained memory exhaustion is detected?


there are enough systems out there with not so much memory even in 2012
the most imprtant point are systems where /tmp is a own partition for
many reasons - if there is a entry in /etc/fstab it MUST be honored

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