Fedora 17 Beta Observations

Mark Bidewell mbidewel at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 11:47:47 UTC 2012

After trying the F17 Alpha with no success, I tried the F17 Beta.  I
installed in the VMWare Fusion Technical Preview (which supports Linux 3D
Graphics).  On install I was dumped into the text installer which installed
a basic 211 package installation.  Improved from the Alpha is that I could
get a working X install by installing the X and GNOME package groups.
 However, no GUI for installation is less than userfriendly and given that
it worked once the packages were installed it should work for Anaconda.
 Also, I was surprised by the slim set of command line tools installed by
the text install (no 'less').

Mark Bidewell
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