[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha to slip by one week

Jaroslav Reznik jreznik at redhat.com
Wed Aug 22 22:38:34 UTC 2012

Today at Go/No-Go meeting it was decided to slip Fedora 18
Alpha release by one week due to numerous unresolved bugs 
[1] and incomplete test matrices for Alpha [2][3][4]. See 
the meeting minutes [5] for more details.

As a result, ALL MAJOR MILESTONES, and their dependent tasks, 
will be pushed out by one week.

The Fedora 18 Alpha readiness meeting is on Thursday,
Aug 23 at 19:00 UTC (3 PM EDT/12 PM Pacific). Please join
the meeting to sync Alpha preparations.

The next Go/No-Go meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday,
Aug 30, same time, same place (21:00 UTC, 5 PM EDT, 
#fedora-meeting), just a different day!

Unfortunatelly due to family reasons (life does not respect
schedules) I'm not sure I'll be able to fix F18 schedule
until Friday... So please make sure to count with slip
before I'll update it. Reminder: schedule was moved to
my personal space [6]!


[1] http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Base_Test
[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test
[4] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Desktop_Test
[5] http://tinyurl.com/d5pzel9
[6] http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/
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