features and percentages [was Re: RFC: Feature process improvements]

Matthew Miller mattdm at fedoraproject.org
Thu Dec 6 18:09:35 UTC 2012

On Thu, Dec 06, 2012 at 11:50:01AM +0100, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> Don't think it makes more sense then the percentage in wiki. I
> remember migration from Ruby 1.8.7 to Ruby 1.9.3. We needed to
> adjust every ruby package in fedora and rebuild them. Some of them
> were piece of cake, some needed patches, other packages needed to be
> retired and some of them replaced. Not sure how could bugzilla
> provide better estimates. Even tracking of this issues in BZ would
> be significant overhead.

This is the kind of overhead professional software engineers work with all
the time. :)

But in seriousness, back when I was running the BU Linux distribution, we
did this in our bugzilla for mass updates covering small amounts of work to
large numbers of packges, and it was actually really helpful. (We used a
custom script to bulk file the bugs.) The ones that are a piece of cake get
closed quickly, and for the rest you can track what's going on with those
packages and replacements and so on.

But, I don't think we'd mandate that rebuilds like you describe would *have*
to happen that way. There could simply be a single "rebuild all xxxxx
because yyyyyy for zzzzzz" bug covering all that work, with blockers spawned
from that for the tricky cases.

Matthew Miller  ☁☁☁  Fedora Cloud Architect  ☁☁☁  <mattdm at fedoraproject.org>

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