Where are we going? (Not a rant)

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sat Dec 8 16:29:10 UTC 2012

Am 08.12.2012 17:19, schrieb Mathieu Bridon:
>> You CANNOT disturb every developer in a company to upgrade his box every
>> 6 months.
> You don't have to upgrade every 6 months.
> I'm still running Fedora 16 at work because I haven't had time to upgrade

finally you have to

yes, you can from time to time make the update 6 months later
BUT if you are using F-n also the -n has no longer support
after 6 months because this is the release schedule

the upgrade all 6 months is not really a problem
mostly it goes smooth

but sometimes there are so large changes and they are
too often to make it a hard competition to learn how
to work with them besides your normal life and work
and they are often in a too few state


i loved the idea of systemd long before the first touch
i hated the state it had in F15

would F17 have been the first release with systemd in a
state between F16-F17 there would not have been so many
rant from my side because i am not against changes

i only do not like the feeling my system works against
me instead for me, and yes i understand that many things
are only become noticed after enough feedback

but there is a difference between "leading edge" and "bloody edge"

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