Rolling release Fedora - fantastic idea

Przemek Klosowski przemek.klosowski at
Wed Feb 1 18:20:58 UTC 2012

On 01/31/2012 04:27 PM, Emmanuel Seyman wrote:
> * Przemek Klosowski [31/01/2012 00:37] :
>> To solve that, I'd be nice if there was a way to roll over an EOL
>> version into an appropriate release of one of the
>> long-term-supported systems such as RHEL, Centos or Scientific
>> Linux.
> This would be a massive distraction from our mission.
> Get the $FOO people to cover migrations from other distributions to $FOO.
> The Fedora people should only be concerned with migrations to Fedora, not
> from it.

Precisely---but lack of the EOL path sometimes prevents use of Fedora in 
the first place. Jon Vos said elsewhere in this discussion that "Fedora 
is not for long term if updates/security are an issue. Period."

I am just trying to explore if there's a way around that.

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