Unity For Fedora (As in OpenSUSE or Arch)

Stijn Hoop stijn at sandcat.nl
Thu Feb 2 07:27:45 UTC 2012

On Wed, 01 Feb 2012 17:00:30 -0700
Adam Williamson <awilliam at redhat.com> wrote:
> I realize this isn't a very constructive mail, and the point has been 
> raised before, but I'm hoping at some point the sheer weight of 
> complaints will cause someone more creative than myself to actually
> come up with a notification system for GNOME 3 which satisfies the
> GNOME design team and *also* does not suck.

Is there a bug we can vote on? I also agree 100% with this, I rather
like gnome-shell except for this 'notification system'.


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