F16 how to install "less" ruby gem?

T.C. Hollingsworth tchollingsworth at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 09:26:30 UTC 2012

2012/2/22 MichaƂ Piotrowski <mkkp4x4 at gmail.com>:
> I need lessc with --compress option to build bootstrap framework. I'm
> not sure if "less" gem is appropriate for this task, but I wanted to
> try it.

The canonical version of lessc is written for node.js.  Looks like the
ruby gem just runs that through some sort of node/v8 interpreter for
Ruby.  It's probably a lot easier just to run it through node itself.

I build node packages personally for now until I can whip it into
shape for Fedora (which will be F18 or Node v0.8, whichever comes
last.  I have patches for the 0.7 development branch almost ready to
send upstream :-):

Enable the repository, then just `yum install nodejs-compat-symlinks
npm` and `npm install -g less`.

(You can also rebuild the SRPMs if you don't trust me, but then you
still have the whole "building V8" problem. ;-)


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