Set bash's shell option nullglob by default?

Scott Schmit i.grok at
Fri Jul 13 12:06:57 UTC 2012

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 01:56:29PM +0200, Roman Rakus wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question about nullglob bash's shell option. I want to hear
> opinions.
> The behavior is nicely described in bash reference manual [1]
> By default, the nullglob is turned off. And it tends people to use
> bad habits in shell scripting.
> In my POV the nullglob could be turned on by default. However, i
> would like to hear opinions from others.
> It is possible it can break many scripts even in rpm's scriptlets,
> but as I already said, it's because bad habits. So the main gain
> will be the people will learn how is the globbing in bash and in the
> whole environment working.

So ls *.foo should list the entire directory if no files match *.foo?
It's a bad habit for me to expect ls *.foo to return nothing in this
case? You're going to need to convince me.

Scott Schmit
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