F17 updates broke anaconda PNG image handling

Jos Vos jos at xos.nl
Wed Jul 25 21:29:06 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 03:32:55PM +0200, Jos Vos wrote:

> Note that my install now fails when installing the kernel, because
> grub2-install can not be found.  I have to find out if this is an
> user error (I only included @Base in my test install DVD) or that
> this is something more serious.  If the kernel needs grub2-install,
> it should Requires(post) that, isn't it?  It obviously doesn't...

I was partly wrong here.  This failure was not due to the kernel's
%post, but anaconda couldn't find grub2-install for its final step.

It seems that I need to add grub2 manually to the pungi config file,
which also pulls in the grub2-tools, file, and file-libs packages.
Then it all works fine.

Is this expected behavior or should grub2 maybe be part of @Base?

--    Jos Vos <jos at xos.nl>
--    X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV   |   Phone: +31 20 6938364
--    Amsterdam, The Netherlands        |     Fax: +31 20 6948204

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