redhat-rpm-config and rpm-build

Paul Wouters pwouters at
Thu Jun 14 20:53:25 UTC 2012

On Tue, 12 Jun 2012, John5342 wrote:

>> Why is redhat-rpm-config not a dependancy dragged in by rpm-build?
> I imagine because rpmbuild is in fact useful for building packages
> other than for Fedora.

But then those packages need to provide some set of macros for debuginfo
packages, so there is some 'requires' that are currently met by
redhat-rpm-config that these non-fedora packages would need to supply
to rpm-build as well. So there is a dependancy.

> If i recall correctly the recommended way to
> install everything needed is "yum install fedora-packager" which pulls
> in everything needed for Fedora related packaging including
> redhat-rpm-config.

While grousp are convenient, the package dependancies should really be
in order.


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