PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin considered harmful

Björn Persson bjorn at
Sat Jun 23 16:05:17 UTC 2012

These search path problems seem to be cropping up in lots of packages. Here's 
another example:

GPRbuild is designed to be relocatable, because the corporations that are 
Adacore's customers want to be able to drop a directory tree with binaries and 
data in some nonstandard directory and use it from there witout recompiling 
anything. Therefore GPRbuild doesn't have an installation prefix compiled in. 
Instead it searches for itself on the search path to find out where it is 
installed. When it finds itself in /bin it concludes that the installation 
prefix is /, and looks for its data in /share instead of /usr/share, which of 
course fails because there is no /share. Working around this required a 
Fedora-specific patch to make GPRbuild resolve the symbolic link.

Björn Persson
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