Fedora Software Center - an update

Giovanni Campagna scampa.giovanni at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 19:01:27 UTC 2012

Hello devel list,

a few months ago I expressed my interest in porting the Ubuntu
Software Center to Fedora, integrating the AppStream infrastructure
for application metadata in our repository system.

Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, since have stalled ever since
and, although experimental Fedora support exists in upstream
software-center sources, no rpm package is available, and neither work
on yum / repodata / pkgdb integration was started.
What is more, I'm now forced to reconsider my occupations and
therefore I must say I'm not interested in working on this, short
term. This may change a few months in the future, but for the time
being I won't be doing any further development work. This means that
I'm not going to propose the feature for F18.
Of course, if any of you wants to volounteer, that would be great
(this feature is still needed, if we want to reach the "greater
public"). All my code is publicy available, and if you need any help
to reach the same point as me (this screenshot [1]), just contact me

Sorry for not being able to complete this, and thanks a lot for your
time and attention,


[1] https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/339631_2220549998711_1396501732_31869785_1029708027_o.jpg

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