Looking for the Coq package maintainers

Jerry James loganjerry at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 14:43:54 UTC 2012

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 8:18 AM, Benjamin Kreuter <ben.kreuter at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have tried to contact the coq and emacs-common-proofgeneral package
> maintainers directly, but have not had much luck.  If any of those
> maintainers can shoot me an email, that would be great.

Sorry.  I have been (and still am) sick.  I hate cold and flu season.
I'm trying to get stuff done anyway, both $DAYJOB and Fedora-related,
but I'm moving more slowly than usual.  Please be patient with me.

If this is about adding coq to EPEL, the big question I need answered
is which of the BuildRequires are not already available there.  If you
could do that legwork for me, it will speed up the process.

I hope to be back to normal Real Soon Now.
Jerry James

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