Anaconda is totally trashing the F18 schedule (was Re: f18: how to install into a LVM partitions (or RAID))

Rahul Sundaram metherid at
Wed Oct 31 11:34:36 UTC 2012

On 10/31/2012 03:33 PM, drago01 wrote:
> That's nonsense see the other mail. Would it be more work to maintain
> two branches? Sure. Impossible? *NO*. Even if it delays newui to F20
> so be it.
> If we don't have the resources to do something we should not pretend
> that we have (we are currently seeing where this leads to).

I agree with that.  It is clear that a lot of features have been part of 
that single feature proposal (new ui, new upgrade tool, no lvm by 
default etc) and we just didn't have enough time to do it all within 
this cycle.  Either the feature should have been pushed back to another 
release or two or more resources have should have been provided to the 
Anaconda team for this ambitious goal or the release should have been 
extended *deliberately* ahead of time.  No LVM by default also seems to 
have raised some questions around communication with the storage team.

I must note however that I am very much in favour of the new UI and any 
criticism directed towards the process doesn't change that at all.  The 
end result of this is that Fedora is suffering through several 
unexpected and unprecedented release delays.


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