Recommended memory size for F19?

John Reiser jreiser at
Wed Apr 10 16:23:09 UTC 2013

> I was running F18 on an old notebook ...

> Question: which minimal memory size is recommended for F19?

For graphical desktop, the installer currently warns if less than 768MB.
Many users probably will be uncomfortable with less than 1GB.

Things you can try:  Append " cgroup_disable=memory " to the kernel boot
command line.  This saves somewhere around 1% (10MB out of 1GB), but every MB counts.

Append " selinux=0 " to the kernel boot command line.  This saved me 140MB
(difference in "grep MemFree /proc/meminfo" after booting to single user),
which is gigantic.  When I decided to restore SELinux, the next boot
took about 4 minutes to relabel all files.

Stop and disable unwanted services.  For example:
   systemctl stop sendmail.service
   systemctl disable sendmail.service


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