really stop "really" commits (really!)

T.C. Hollingsworth tchollingsworth at
Sat Dec 14 01:42:11 UTC 2013

Invariably when adding a patch to a spec, often I forget some detail,
whether it be adding the %patchN macro to %prep or `git add`ing the
patch.  It would seem I'm not alone, either.  A Google search for e.g.
"site: really
apply patch" returns tens of thousands of results!  ;-)

To prevent this from happening in the future, I wrote a little git
pre-commit hook to help out, which I figured I'd share with you all:

It verifies that:
- all patches are committed to git
- all patches are applied in %prep
- no unexpanded %patch macros exist in %prep

If any of the above checks fail, the commit is aborted.

To use it, download it somewhere, make it executable, and symlink
$clone/.git/hooks/pre-commit to it.  If you already have a pre-commit
hook of some sort, you can instead just run that script in it and
abort on a non-zero exit code.

Hopefully some of you find it useful.


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