really stop "really" commits (really!)

Miro Hrončok mhroncok at
Sat Dec 14 13:15:49 UTC 2013

Dne 14.12.2013 02:42, T.C. Hollingsworth napsal(a):
> To use it, download it somewhere, make it executable, and symlink
> $clone/.git/hooks/pre-commit to it.  If you already have a pre-commit
> hook of some sort, you can instead just run that script in it and
> abort on a non-zero exit code.

As Rahul somebody already mentioned, it would be great to gave it in 
fedpkg by default.

If that fails from some reason (i.e. fedpkg maintainers are against it), 
what about this.

  * Create a package fedpkg-patch-check with:
    * this script somewhere in libdir
    * command in bindir that would add the check to repo in pwd
    * and that would add the check to all repos specified as arguments

I'm currently trying to draft a script for thiss adding.

> Hopefully some of you find it useful.

Yes, it's great. Thanks.

Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok

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