Proposed F19 Feature: Fedora Upgrade - using yum

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Mon Feb 4 04:08:01 UTC 2013

Lennart Poettering wrote:
> The thing is that doing on-line updates only works for stuff you can
> restart, and that doesn't mind that things are not atomically
> updated. However, much (most?) of our code isn't like that. Anybody who
> tried to update the Firefox RPM while it is running knows that this
> doesn't end well, and you frequently have to manually kill firefox to
> get it back into a usual state.

Strawman alert!

Who ever said that this feature is about online upgrades? Even the 
"Upgrading Fedora using yum" wiki page clearly says that upgrades should be 
done in runlevel 3 (, not in runlevel 5 

The point of using yum to upgrade is not to do it in a running user session, 
but to use the same frequently-tested code paths as for normal updates 
rather than a special distro-upgrade-only one where half of the 
functionality has to be reimplemented differently (see e.g. FedUp not 
supporting something as basic as signature checks; why do we even bother 
signing our packages if we're happy to deliver an "official" and 
"recommended" upgrade method which won't even bother checking them?).

        Kevin Kofler

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