Proposed F19 Feature: Cinnamon as Default Desktop

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Sat Feb 9 10:09:15 UTC 2013

Rave it wrote:

> There is a current poll at fedora forum.
> The winner is.......

There are several factors which bias this poll:
* GNOME 3 is the default in Fedora, so of course more Fedora users will be
using it, merely due to the fact that it is the default.
* Some people actually left Fedora over GNOME 3.
* Conversely, and perhaps even more importantly, many (possibly even most)
GNOME 3 users are actually using Fedora now, because Fedora is universally
recommended to people wanting to try GNOME 3 as the distro with the best
GNOME 3 support.

If you do a poll across users of all distributions, you get very different results:
and I believe the results for Fedora would be very different as well if we
picked a different default.

        Kevin Kofler

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