ConsoleKit and esound retirement

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Thu Feb 14 00:13:46 UTC 2013

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:34:35AM +0100, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> It is an (accepted) feature:

Huh. That (Fedora 17 feature) says 100% complete. 

> I am just looking to do the final step, to kill the beast entirely.

So, 110%. :)

Mind you, I have no attachment to ConsoleKit. I'd just like to see changes
with the potential for end-user impact go through some low-barrier form of
change management. I don't know if this reasonably rises to that level or
not; my origial question was (and remains) serious, not rhetorical.

In reading the F17 feature and the associated discussion page, it looks like
the actual final state of that was that the multi-seat portion was
implemented but the "ckremoval" portion wasn't completed, and that there was
no particular effort around non-Gnome desktops except documentation. So,
it's that last bit you're completing now, as I understand it.

I notice that there's a lot of documentation at user forums around using
ck-launch-session in ~/.xinitrc. We should probably at least release-notes

Matthew Miller  ☁☁☁  Fedora Cloud Architect  ☁☁☁  <mattdm at>

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