Proposed F19 Feature: Package Signature Checking During Installation

Benny Amorsen benny+usenet at
Thu Jan 10 22:11:30 UTC 2013

Adam Jackson <ajax at> writes:

> For the same reason Firefox doesn't automatically accept self-signed SSL
> certs, and the same reason that ssh doesn't automatically accept new
> host keys: it'd be creating trust from thin air.

I trust my hardware, I trust my firmware, I trust my install medium.
That is not trust from thin air; the hardware is unlikely to be
compromised and I verify the install medium. I cannot completely rule
out firmware compromise, but if I have been hit by that I am owned
already and likely will stay owned for years.

I don't trust random mirrors on the Internet. Yet Anaconda somehow does.
Despite the fact that it could easily grab the key off the trusted
install medium and check the signatures.


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