F20 System Wide Change: No Default Syslog

Lennart Poettering mzerqung at 0pointer.de
Mon Jul 15 21:28:48 UTC 2013

On Mon, 15.07.13 16:22, Chris Adams (linux at cmadams.net) wrote:

> Once upon a time, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek at in.waw.pl> said:
> > This means that you haven't really used journalctl. It *is* much
> > nicer. Try it, and you'll stop wanting to go back to 'less /var/log/messages'
> > and 'tail -f /var/log/*'.
> So I went and tried journalctl, and immediately hit the same UI
> stupidity as systemctl.  Truncated lines, auto-paging, etc., unless I
> pipe to something else.  Significantly differing behavior between direct
> output and pipes is just wrong.  Having to remember some double-dash
> long option just to get non-truncated (and non-useless) log info is
> highly irritating.

You can set SYSTEMD_PAGER to the empty string to turn off auto-paging in
all systemd tools. There's a bug against bash that requests adding a
(commented) line to .bash_profile, so that the auto-pager haters can
easily disable this behaviour, just by uncommented that line.

But this is a really different discussion anyway. I know some people
hate auto-paging, but I am pretty sure more people learned to love it
since it was introduced by git. I love auto-paging for sure.


(also: journalctl doesn't truncate lines when doing auto-paging)

Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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