F20 Self Contained Change: Remove deprecated calls of using ntpdate in favor of ntpd

Adam Williamson awilliam at redhat.com
Thu Jul 18 20:34:40 UTC 2013

On Thu, 2013-07-18 at 09:39 +0200, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:

> > In fact, now I look at it, ntpd as it stands cannot replace ntpdate for
> > anaconda's purposes, because anaconda calls ntpdate with the -q option,
> > which means "query only, do not set the clock" - obviously, this is
> > appropriate when we just want to test the functionality of an NTP
> > server. ntpd does not have an equivalent option.
> The sntp tool can be used instead of ntpdate to test if an NTP server
> is responding.

Sure, but that's part of ntp, and we're supposed to be using chrony as
Fedora's default time sync software now. It just seems untidy for
anaconda to configure chrony but need to use a part of ntp (ntpdate or
sntp) to test server functionality.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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