RFC: Proposal for a more agile "Fedora.next" (draft of my Flock talk)

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Mon Jul 22 15:46:51 UTC 2013

Le Lun 22 juillet 2013 17:37, Nicolas Mailhot a écrit :

> Desktop selection logic is no different. It's all about "time/cost to be
> operational". If you reduce this (perceived) time/cost, you'll see
> startups adopting Fedora in droves, because startups only care about
> getting profitable/bought before VC funding dries down, and are pretty
> agnostic about everything else.

(I should add that I've been the only operator/infra guy in a startup that
weathered the dotcom crash, so I'm writing from direct experience. You
seem to have collected feedback from startup devs that interpreted desktop
choices, without having been in the loop when the choice was made).

Nicolas Mailhot

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