packaging java unix sockets library

Bohuslav Kabrda bkabrda at
Wed Jun 19 08:03:46 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
> Hi,
> I recently run into situation where I need to use unix socket in java
> program. Fro obvious reasons JAVA doesn't support it out of the box, so
> I have to use 3rd party library. After some googling I came to
> conclusion that there is no such library in Fedora which is quite a
> surprise for me (noone has ever needed unix socket in Java or is
> everyone bundling it??).
>    I decided to use and package,
> but I would rather not to if there is an existing alternative in Fedora.
> Thoughts?

You could try jnr-unixsocket [1], which is a Unixsocket library created for JRuby's use and should work fine; although I'm afraid it's poorly documented.

> Thank you,
> Jirka

Bohuslav "Slavek" Kabrda.


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