Minimal install diff from F16 to F19 (TC6)

Chris Adams linux at
Thu Jun 20 18:59:06 UTC 2013

Once upon a time, Bill Nottingham <notting at> said:
> No, it does not support that at this time. Also note that (if I'm
> remembering right) NM adds all aliases as secondary IP addresses, not as
> ':x' style additional devices.

I prefer the "modern" secondaries vs. the old-style eth0:123, although I
have run into vendor software (such as the Plesk web hosting control
panel) that can't handle it.  I expect if that was the "one true way" in
some future version of RHEL, they'd adapt.

For anybody doing shared web hosting, bulk IP address configuration
(however they end up configured) is a must though.  I certainly don't
want to have to add a /24 one address at a time.

Chris Adams <linux at>

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