prelink performance gains

Jan Kratochvil jan.kratochvil at
Tue Oct 15 17:32:25 UTC 2013

On Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:27:23 +0200, Dhiru Kholia wrote:
> In spite of this fact, I believe that they are enough to demonstrate
> that prelink is not resulting in any big gains anymore.

Nobody says prelink brings _big_ gains.  It is just a negligible performance
and negligible battery optimization nowadays.

I just do not understand why to give up on that negligible optimization when
it brings no disadvantages.

The disagreement here is whether it brings some disadvantages or not.

So the discussion should rather be if the average (default) user faces the
claimed disadvantages or not (*), and therefore whether prelink should be
installed by default or not.

I find there for example a problem that nightly prelink will run even if you
are currently running on battery.  But that affects more cron scripts and it
is a cron bug, not prelink bug.

> "unSPEC" is super easy to run and you are encouraged to get all the
> numbers and stats you need.

I intentionally do not post the numbers but it seems to me prelink does bring
negligible performance (and battery) gain for LibreOffice on my system.
It is just difficult to measure if you do not trust LD_DEBUG=statistics.


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