$HOME/.local/bin in $PATH

Jared K. Smith jsmith at fedoraproject.org
Mon Oct 28 20:16:36 UTC 2013

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Matthew Miller <mattdm at fedoraproject.org>wrote:

> Okay, I'll bite. Why is this _particularly_ unfortunate? The directory
> isn't
> actually "invisible", just hidden.


> Now, if you want to argue that nothing user-writable should be in $PATH by
> default, I can maybe see your point

For me, it's the intersection of the two -- the point that it's hidden
*and* user-writable *and* comes earlier in the path than the system
directories.  Speaking only for myself, I could probably hold my nose and
be OK with any one of those things in isolation, but put them all together,
and it starts to smell funny.

Jared Smith
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