F21 System Wide Change: Workstation: Disable firewall

Bill Nottingham notting at splat.cc
Tue Apr 22 19:16:27 UTC 2014

Miloslav Trmač (mitr at volny.cz) said: 
> AFAICS this discussion basically says "applications can't depend on
> firewalld, therefore they can't use firewalld APIs, therefore they wouldn't
> know whether the firewall restircts them, therefore firewalld must be
> removed".
> The only given reason why the applications can't depend on firewalld is
> vague claims that the D-Bus API is somehow unusable, which is clearly false
> because firewall-cmd is using exactly the same API.

Well, just because an API *can* be coded to doesn't make it a good API. It
would be great to get more concrete descriptions of where the API fails.


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