PSA: COPR rhughes/f20-gnome-3-14 has been removed

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Fri Aug 22 11:57:25 UTC 2014

Hi all.

If you're using rhughes/f20-gnome-3-14 then please upgrade to Fedora
21. I've found COPR is increasingly unable to keep up with the
upstream builds and at this point it probably makes more sense to be
QA testing the looming release anyway. If you've got the repo
installed on your computer, it should be a pain-free update to F21. If
you want to uninstall the repo and go back to F20, dnf *might* be able
to do something sane, although I can't help much there. Usually
downgrading is kinda risky, so back up everything before attempting


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