How many users does Fedora have?

Alec Leamas leamas.alec at
Thu Dec 4 19:07:30 UTC 2014

On 01/12/14 12:26, Alec Leamas wrote:
> While we're on it (in the form "how many devs do we have"): How
> hard/impossible/unsuitable would it be to get a usable estimate on the #
> of users, per package?


Some 50 messages later... and stopping by Ben's question about which are 
the questions we should ask.

Thanks for all input on this thread! I have tried to summarize it at 
[1]. A tentative  Executive Summary:

We will probably not get useful absolute numbers. However, relative 
numbers and trends should be both possible and useful.

Privacy concerns blocks collecting  of otherwise useful info. Based on 
this, I have more or less limited the questions to what can be deduced 
from installed software and yum/dnf logs.

Q: How much are products and spins are actually used?
Q: How is the package I created actually used?
Q  Which package does users prefer?
Q: Which non-Fedora packages does users need to install?
Q: How are packages updated?
Q: How many users uses platform X/architecture Y?


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