AppData Screenshot Requirements

Bastien Nocera bnocera at
Thu Dec 18 09:46:08 UTC 2014

----- Original Message -----
> On 13 December 2014 at 01:05, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
> <zbyszek at> wrote:
> > I think you should step back and consider this in context.
> > *Everything* we do in Fedora, and more generally speaking in open
> > source, is a work in progress.
> 100% agree, I couldn't have said this better myself. The only way for
> a standard to remain relevant and useful is to allow it to slowly
> evolve.

To be honest, the "slowly evolving" AppData requirements/changes have
also grated me the wrong way. I get confused by the upstream vs. Fedora
requirements, I get confused by the F21 vs. F22 requirements. I get annoyed
that I can't easily test changes and see what it will look like (although
the tools got somewhat better recently).

This would explain why the AppData for my packages haven't been up-to-scratch,
I'm just waiting for the updated requirements a couple of weeks from now.


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