AppData Screenshot Requirements

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Thu Dec 18 15:58:42 UTC 2014

On 18 December 2014 at 15:44, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
<zbyszek at> wrote:
> I'm a bit confused by this. For emacs the output is:
> emacs              emacs    OK      OK    OK            OK      Warning         OK
> emacsclient        emacs    OK  Warning   Warning       OK      Warning         Failed
> But emacsclient does not have an appdata file at all. It something wrong
> with its .desktop file?

This is a bit unclear; what's happened here is that emacsclient has
been merged into emacs, absorbing all the keywords and search tokens.
Should emacsclient.desktop perhaps have NoDisplay=true?

> For zaz:
> zaz     zaz     OK      OK      OK      Failed  Warning         Failed
> The appdata file passed appdata-validate test a few weeks ago. Is this
> things about missing icons something new or is this a false positive?

Hovering over the end "Failed", i see it's because zaz uses an XPM
icon. Since a few years we've not been supporting .ico or .xpm icons
as we wanted to keep the number of image loaders on the build servers
to the bare minimum. On the assumption the icon is >= 48x48, just
converting this to png in the spec file would magically fix this. In
my experience, most xpm icons are 16x16 and black and white, so
usually upstream needs a poke to ship something more modern.


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