Heads up; F22 will require applications to ship appdata to be listed in software center

Przemek Klosowski przemek.klosowski at nist.gov
Thu Feb 20 20:49:40 UTC 2014

On 02/20/2014 12:44 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> One app "with simple default choice and advanced options" effectively 
> *is* two apps, uncomfortably shoehorned into one UI. You get all the 
> disadvantages of complexity with none of the benefits of simplicity. 
> This is why it's a model most apps have moved away from. 
OK, I lied---I will respond with one more post.

You'd be right if it really was two apps, shoehorned---but I really 
think this case wants to be one software installation UI with several 
search selectors, just like apper, which actually has a 
'graphical/non-graphical' search selector. Use the 💻 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%F0%9F%92%BB> glyph at low-res as a 
screenshot/logo, to show our disdain for older apps, if we must.

Surely you agree that it's possible to overdo such app specialization; 
my favorite example of such specious differentiation is dedicated 
droid/ios apps for every website (reddit/slashdot/whatever).
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