Help Wanted: schedule estimation

drago01 drago01 at
Tue Feb 25 14:08:08 UTC 2014

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 3:02 PM, Jaroslav Reznik <jreznik at> wrote:

>> We do not have a formal process in place for organizing such planning
>> efforts, but as a provisional one, we'd like to take the following steps:
> We do have a formal process in place - Change process. I'm going to
> announce it right now and as planning is a bit different to
> previous one, I'd like to ask even non engineering teams to be involved
> in Change process to help us scope the upcoming release and effort
> needed to accomplish planned Changes.

There is a chicken-egg problem here. Without knowing the schedule one
cannot tell you which change might end up being done or not as
upstream schedules do not match ours.
We should put out a schedule to get things going.  Staying in this
"hand weavy" state forever isn't helpful.

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