Another questionable dependency chain -- libreoffice-writer installs log4j-chainsaw

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Thu Jan 30 10:32:57 UTC 2014

If I understand the dep-chain correctly:

libreoffice-writer -> libreoffice-core -> jre ->
java-1.7.0-openjdk-headless -> apache-commons-logging -> log4j

This means I get an ugly icon called "Chainsaw" in the GNOME Software
center that when I try to remove also removes all the LibreOffice

If I actually launch the program I get a java-themed GUI full of low
level filter weirdness. Could we either clean up the depchain or split
off the actual log4j-chainsaw application off as a new subpackage?

The alternative is that I blacklist the log4j-chainsaw application in
the fedora-appstream metadata generation, which is a shame if someone
is actually wanting to search for a log viewer for java.



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