Koschei - continuous rebuilds for packages

Petr Pisar ppisar at redhat.com
Wed Jul 2 06:30:40 UTC 2014

On 2014-07-01, jpacner at redhat.com <jpacner at redhat.com> wrote:
> it sounds like a way how one could automatically handle library so-bumps
> in rawhide. Idea discussed with hhorak, jzeleny, pingou and others was
> to bump the library package, rebuild the dependency tree depending on
> this library and if some of them fail, notify it's maintainer(s) and the
> bumped library owner as well (email CC should be sufficient). If it
> doesn't fail, we can automatically immediately rebuild it in non-scratch
> environment. This'll save so much time and effort and also suppress the
> need for finding maintainers of the library and notifying them about the
> so-bump.
The rebuilds run in koji. You cannot get scratch build into koji build
root. You would need separate koji build target tag for that.

-- Petr

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