Half-OT: Secure boot and thirdy party kernel modules

Sergio Belkin sebelk at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 17:10:45 UTC 2014

Hi Fedora folks,

I've found that Oracle VirtualBox kernel module are not signed so I have to
disable secure boot. Oracle says that is not a VirtualBox bug. And Fedora
cannot sign it because of license, can it?

So, the question is: Is it worth signing "my own" kernel? Of course I can
circunvent this problem simply by disabling secureboot... what do you
think, is there a simple way of doing that, or should I spend a weekend
doing all of it?

I've found this:

Can I sign only the virtualbox kernel module, or should I recompile the
entire kernel and sign it?

Thanks in advance!

Sergio Belkin  http://www.sergiobelkin.com
LPIC-2 Certified - http://www.lpi.org
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