Summary/Minutes from today's FESCo Meeting (2014-03-05)

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Thu Mar 6 17:00:24 UTC 2014

On Thu, Mar 06, 2014 at 03:50:37PM +0100, drago01 wrote:
> For instance we named a release "beefy miracle" and that might have
> been offensive for some people (ex. in India)., but
> apparently no one cared enough to "officially" complain.

Additionally, there is a fundamental difference here. The problem isn't that
someone might be offended -- people might be (and are) offended by anything.
The problem is that the logo refers to a marginalized race of people using
stereotyped imagery. While many people do not eat beef and hold cows sacred,
the beefy miracle logo does not make any reference to those people. If it
did, it too would have been a problem.

Matthew Miller    --   Fedora Project    --    <mattdm at>

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